Junior Policy
Welcome to DRIVEN Athletica! We offer Junior Concession Memberships for ages 13-17, with specific guidelines to ensure a safe and effective training environment.
Junior Membership and Age Policy:
Minors between the ages of 13 to 17 years may be eligible for a membership subject to the following age policy and general terms and conditions (view our full T&C's):
The minor must comply with all safety requirements of the Club as communicated to the member from time to time;
The minor’s membership may be cancelled for any inappropriate behaviour, misuse of equipment or failure to comply with safety requirements;
The minor must comply with the applicable sections of the age policy;
All minors must leave the Club immediately once staffed hours have ended; and
All minors can only access the Club during staffed hours, subject to the qualifications and exclusions listed in the age policy.
13-14 years
Membership requires parental/legal guardian consent and signature.
Access is allowed during staffed hours only and must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or qualified trainer.
Access outside staffed hours is not permitted.
Eligible only for non-weight-based training, cardio equipment, or equipment prescribed by a medical or exercise professional.
15 years
Membership requires parental/legal guardian consent and signature.
Access is allowed during staffed hours but does not require supervision by a parent or guardian.
Eligible for all weight-based equipment, cardio equipment, and challenges.
Trial or guest passes are allowed, provided the guardian signs as a guarantor on the first visit.
16-17 years
Membership requires parental/legal guardian consent and signature.
Access is allowed during both staffed and unstaffed hours without supervision.
All equipment and classes are available, subject to medical advice.
Eligible for trial and guest passes with a guardian’s waiver.
Important Guidelines
Strict adherence to gym safety rules and age-specific policies is required.
Junior memberships may be cancelled for inappropriate behaviour, misuse of equipment, or failure to comply with safety standards.
Minors must leave the gym immediately after staffed hours unless supervised by a previously nominated adult.
Minors found in the gym outside staffed hours without authorised supervision will have their membership revoked.
At DRIVEN Athletica, safety and proper training are our top priorities to ensure all young members build a strong foundation for fitness!